
Ayusoma is a concept based around you and your natural health.  Ayusoma is sanskrit (the classic Indian language – as Latin is to Europe) meaning ‘life essence/elixir’. Ayu (life) soma (essence/elixir).*

At Ayusoma we want to empower you to know more about your health and wellbeing, naturally – as human beings we are amazing and we hope to spread the word on natural mind-body medicine. Learn via our informative musings on all matters of your natural health.

Whilst the main aim of Ayusoma is to inform through free information online and via public talks we also provide chargeable services which can be accessed in person or online via skype.

Here is Lorraine to tell you a bit more about Ayusoma and the service we provide…

There are two branches to the Ayusoma family – Ayusoma Ayurveda and Ayusoma Organics.  The aim of both branches are the same “empowering you to your natural health”

Ayusoma Ayurveda – Lorraine Ferrier is the owner of Ayusoma Ayurveda and since graduating from Wellpark College of Natural Medicine with a Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine (after 3 years study) she set out to educate the public and her client’s through the simple teachings of Ayurveda. To find out more go to Ayusoma Ayurveda Services; Ayusoma Ayurveda Community and our Blog.

Ayusoma Organics – is an independent representative of Miessence certified organic products (the World’s first comprehensive range to be certified organic to food grade standards), here is our story.  To find out more go to Ayusoma Organics Services; Ayusoma Organics Community and our Blog.  Have a look at the products yourself and see what you think http://ayusomaorganics.mionegroup.com/en/home

Ayusoma – Empowering you to your natural health


*Soma has many connotations but here it refers to a mystical Vedic herb which is said to be the most amazing elixir and although there are many thoughts on the herb’s identification it is now thought to be extinct.